Provides Architect Planning Renders Drawings and Planning Consultants
T: 020 8202 3665
Drawing and Planning LTD
85 Great Portland St, London, W1W 7LT
The Building Regulations are set standards for the design and construction of buildings, primarily to ensure the safety and health for people in or around those buildings, but also for energy conservation and access to and about buildings.
If you are planning to carry out such work, then it should comply with the Building Regulations.
The works themselves should meet the relevant technical requirements in the Building Regulations and they should not make other fabric, services and fittings less compliant than they previously were / or dangerous.
The Building Regulations may also apply to certain changes of use of an existing building. This is because the change of use may result in the building as a whole no longer complying with the requirements which will apply to its new type of use, and so having to be upgraded to meet additional requirements specified in the regulations for which building work may also be required.
The requirements with which building work should comply are contained in Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations and are grouped under the fourteen 'parts':
SAP ratings are the technical calculation that is required in order to produce a Predicted Energy Assessment (PEA) and an On Construction Energy Performance Certificate (OCEPC), both of which are reports that abstract information from the supporting SAP calculation.
SAP calculations are simply a home energy rating that seeks to calculate a score between 1 to 100+ for the annual energy cost due to:
The higher the number the lower the fuel running costs, with 100 representing zero energy cost. Dwellings with a rating in excess of 100 are net exporters of energy.
In the event that Building Control at your Local Authority request a SAP calculation Drawing and Planning can compile a detailed SAP calculation showing the contrast in energy costs from the existing building to the proposed plans.
Fee: £770.00 + VAT
Building regulations exemptions include:
These planning exemptions cover:
Drawing and Planning are here to make the process of applying for building regulations simple. We will fill out the forms and consult on your behalf with your local Council’s Building Regulations Inspector. This usually entails interim on-site meetings and regular drawing demonstrations.
Even if you have not used our services for your planning application or design drawings we will be please to offer you our Building Regulations service.
Building regulations are defined as a set standard for all designs and construction that is done on buildings. Building regulations help to ensure that the infrastructures that are built comply with safety standards and do not harm the health of people that reside around the area where the buildings have been erected or modified.
Asking the question what are building regulations is something that all people who wish to alter the appearance of their homes need to ask themselves. Without these set standards there would be tons of people throughout the UK building infrastructures that are not sound and could adversely affect the health of people around where the building is made.
What building works should comply to building regulations is yet another powerful question to ask before construction on a building can be performed. Buildings that must comply with regulations are building extensions or building erections, installations of extensions, a project that is going to alter the state of the building, either on a temporary or permanent basis.
Even though there are some minor changes that you can make to your residence, where you do not need to comply with certain building regulations, most infrastructures and modifications to infrastructures will need to comply with the regulatory party.