Provides Architect Planning Renders Drawings and Planning Consultants
T: 020 8202 3665
Drawing and Planning LTD
85 Great Portland St, London, W1W 7LT
If your are looking to add a front, rear or side porch, you will either require a cert. of lawful development or a Full Planning application depending on the location of your property and other factors such as Conservation and Heritage restrictions. However all Planning Applications regardless of the scope of the proposals must be accompanied by a full set of architectural drawings which outline the existing structure and proposed development.
Drawing and Planning have extensive experience in all planning applications, including those for porches. We create clear and accurate architectural drawings for Planning Permission applications using the Latest Computer Aided Design (CAD) Software. This allows the Duty Planning Officer at the Local Authority to clearly view the proposals and reach an easy decision on your application.
As the main focus of our drawings is for planning purposes, they naturally require less detail than ordinary drawings, meaning we are able to offer you a far more competitive rate than traditional architects.