Once your plans of development have been analyzed and deemed feasible, you will then move into step two of the planning process, which is the site survey. During this stage of the process, a consultant will visit the location where the development is set to go underway. A time and a date that adheres to your schedule for the visit will be agreed upon, prior to the consultant being dispatched to the location.
Once you and the consultant have reached an agreement on how you would like the development to go underway, and what improvements you would like to achieve with the development than a formal quote for the development will be given. The quote will review over all of the stages of the planning application, as well as give you an expected timescale of when you can expect to move to the next stage in the process.
A payment schedule will also be agreed upon at this point. Aside from crunching some numbers and going over what is going to happen to the property being developed, an architect will measure the area that is being developed; inspect all of the structures of the property, as well as photograph where the development is going to take place. The site survey is an essential component of the planning process.