New build five bedroom luxury house

New build five bedroom luxury house at Mallards, Southside Common

Fourth storey roof extension with two storey side and front extension

Fourth storey roof extension with two storey side and front…

One bedroom residential Outbuilding

One bedroom residential Outbuilding at Hillfield Park

Four storey block with six residential units

Four storey block with six residential units at 122 Balaam…

Single storey rear extension – listed building

Single storey rear extension - listed building at 106 Highgate…

Two storey rear extension

Two storey rear extension at first and second floors providing…

Alterations to front elevation

Alterations to front elevation at 34-36 High Holborn

Ten units residential block

Ten units residential block at 25-28 Buckingham Court, London

Construction of a new fourth floor level

Construction of a new fourth floor level and associated alterations…

Design of five new residential flats

Design of five new residential flats at 8-9 Tilney Court,…

4 residential flats with loft conversion

Change of use from care home to 4 residential flats…

Three storey residential accommodation

Three storey residential accommodation at 1 Capstan Square, London

Two storey mansard extension

Two storey mansard extension comprising nine residential flats. 23-25 King…

9 Residential units

9 Residential units into a minimal and modern extension over…

6 three bedroom developments

6 three bedroom developments. Lonsdale Road, London

two semi-detached houses

Construction of two semi-detached houses. Stage 3 Developed Design -…